Coming Soon Cover 0005

$25.00 excl. VAT

Once a Coming Soon cover has been sold, it will not be available for purchase to anyone else.

This is the solution for all who are waiting for their cover to be designed or/and aren't ready to start the cover process just yet, but still like to display a placeholder / Coming Soon cover on their website (and elsewhere).

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SKU: 0174 Category:


This is the solution for all who are waiting for the cover to be designed or/and aren’t ready to start the cover process just yet, but still like to display a placeholder / Coming Soon cover on their website (and elsewhere).

Of course, as they are simple covers, though all have been touched up in Photoshop, they are lower in price (compared to the premades).

Your author name can be added to them (or not, that’s up to you), but the title will always read “Cover Coming Soon”.

Once a Coming Soon cover has been sold, it will not be available for purchase to anyone else. IT IS YOURS and all rights* will be transferred to you.

After customizing your cover, you will receive the final high-res file, a number of different web optimized sizes as well as 3D-images of your cover. The cover will also be removed from the online store.

*All images used on the cover are royalty-free. The cost of your cover design includes the rights to use these images and is limited to a print-run of 500,000 units, or sales in the case of ebooks.

Creation of all kind of promotional items (except Items for Resale) with the cover is allowed. Usage of the cover on items for resale requires usually an extended license.

For extended or/and unlimited usage, there would be an additional fee. Should you wish to purchase unlimited/extended rights at the time of ordering, or at any point in future, please let me know.